Frequently Asked Questions
- How often and where are intake exams held? Intake exams are held on 6-7 occasions throughout the year. The exact date is determined one month prior to the exam. They are held at the Public Safety Building in North Delta or the Delta Police Admin Building in Ladner. More details will be provided to those who are invited to attend but typically we invite applicants two weeks before the scheduled exam date. See Selection Process.
- I am currently not a citizen or resident of Canada. May I still apply? In order to apply for a job with the Delta Police Department, either as a recruit or exempt (experienced police member) candidate you must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada. Applicants residing in Canada and with work experience of two years or more will be given preference.
- What if my education took place in another country? Education gained at an institution outside of Canada must be comparatively evaluated for Police Officer positions. International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES) can evaluate your education and compare it to Canadian standards. You need to submit your original education transcripts, as well as the evaluation by ICES with your application.
- I don't have 30 post-secondary credits, but I have training in another area. Can I receive an exemption for the educational requirement? Educational exemptions are granted, but only in very rare circumstances. The Sergeant in charge of the Recruiting Section will consider requests on a case by case basis. If you can demonstrate that your training could be transferable to a college or university in British Columbia for academic credits, then we may consider your request. For example, some courses in the building trades might be transferable towards university level programs. In the past, we have granted exemptions for areas like military courses and paramedic training. However these candidates also possessed several other desirable traits and life experience. If you're still working towards obtaining your 30 credits, consider applying to be as a Reserve Constable. You'll gain experience and still continue your post-secondary studies.
- What is the average age of successful Police Officer candidates? The average age of successful candidates is approximately 27. The minimum age that candidates can apply is 19. There is no maximum age; however, applicants that are participating in our process at an age that is well above our average must keep in mind the competitiveness of our process, which includes rigorous physical testing and a medical examination.
- How long does the application process usually take? The application process can take anywhere from 4 to 12 months depending on the needs of the department, the time of year, and the number of applications we receive at a given time.
- Do you have a special process for out-of-town applicants? We do not have a condensed selection process over a shorter timeframe for out-of-town applicants. We will consider ways to arrange as many steps of the process during each visit, however, you may be required to attend on multiple occasions.
- I have successfully completed the written exam and the POPAT for another Lower Mainland police department. Are the test marks transferable? Yes. Ethos exams written for a municipal police department would qualify for transferability. POPAT scores are transferable but the score is only good for six months from the date the POPAT was taken. If you have an existing exam score, you do not need to register for our exam. Please contact recruiting at [email protected].
- I have used illegal drugs in the past. Does this preclude me from applying? Each candidate’s experimentation with drugs (or any criminal activity) is evaluated on its entirety and on an individual basis. Factors that influence our decision are: the type of drug used, the amount/frequency of use, and how recently the drugs were used.
- I have a criminal record. Does this automatically preclude me from applying? You cannot have a criminal conviction (or charges pending) for which a pardon has not been granted.