Contact Us
Delta Police Department
4455 Clarence Taylor Crescent
Delta, BC V4K 3E1
Phone: 604-946-4411
Fax: 604-946-3729
Business Hours: 7am-7pm,
7 days/week
Delta Police Department Administration Building
4450 Clarence Taylor Crescent
Delta, BC V4K 3W3
Phone: 604-946-4411
Fax: 604-946-3729
Business Hours: 8am-4pm,
North Delta Police Station
North Delta Public Safety Building
11375 84 Avenue
Delta, BC V4C 2L9
Phone: 604-946-4411
Fax: 604-595-2128
Business Hours: 7am-7pm,
7 days/week
Online Reporting
Please use this incident reporting system if the incident you would like to report occurred in the city of Delta or Tsawwassen First Nation and matches one or more of the following criteria:
• Your property has been vandalized.
• You have been a victim of fraud of less than $5,000.
• You have lost something that has a value of less than $10,000.
• You have found some lost property (e.g. mobile phone, computer, etc.).
• You would like to report a Traffic Incident or a General Community Concern.
• You have been involved in a hit and run accident where no injuries occurred, and either the suspect or the suspect’s license plate is known to you.
District Community Police Office – Ladner
Delta Historic Municipal Hall
4858 Delta Street
Delta, BC V4K 2T8
Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Tuesday - Friday and 12:00 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays
Phone: 604-940-4411
Email: Ladner DCPO
District Community Police Office – Tsawwassen
Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall
1247B – 56 Street
Delta, BC V4L 2A6
Phone: 604-948-0199
Email: Tsawwassen DCPO
Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Mon-Thurs
District Community Police Office – North Delta
11906 80 Avenue
Delta, BC V4C 1Y1
Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Mon-Fri
Phone: 604-599-7280
Email: North Delta DCPO